Folklore Fellows’ Communications
Folklore Fellows on tutkijaverkosto, joka on perustettu 1907. Sen julkaisusarja, Folklore Fellows’ Communications (FFC), on ilmestynyt vuodesta 1908. Julkaisusarjaa kustansi Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia vuoteen 2020, jonka jälkeen viestikapula siirtyi Kalevalaseuralle. löydät koko julkaisuhistorian.

The God Perkūnas of the Ancient Lithuanians in Language, Folklore, and Historical Sources in Language, Folklore, and Historical Sources
Nijolė Laurinkienė
The Kalevala Society
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 327
Helsinki 2023
336 pages
ISBN 978-952-9534-08-1
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore for 36 €
The God Perkūnas of the Ancient Lithuanians is the most thorough and extensive work on the Lithuanian thunder god to date. This book’s nineteen chapters follow the god’s Indo-European origins through the evidence in histories, place names, and diverse forms of folklore, as well as how these relate to archaeological evidence and aspects of material culture.
Nijolė Laurinkienė’s empirically grounded study covers enormous quantities of primary sources in order to offer multidisciplinary perspectives that she situates in both diachronic and synchronic contexts. Laurinkienė considers continuities and reconstructions of the non-Christian religion and elucidates the rich and dynamic variation in the traditions that continued up through the transition into modernity.
The God Perkūnas is a fascinating and valuable work for anyone interested in pre-modern mythologies. The insights offered will be of relevance to researchers in a variety of fields, and the book also presents a wealth of primary sources, many made available in English for the first time, increasing the book’s value as a resource.

Shamanism in Norse Myth and Magic vols I and II (2nd Printing)
Clive Tolley
The Kalevala Society
First published 2009, reprinted with minor corrections and with additions 2023
Helsinki 2023
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 296, Vol. I
613 pages
ISBN 978-952-9534-06-7
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 58 € (The set of vols I & II, 70 €)
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 297, Vol II – Reference Materials
318 pages
ISBN 978-952-9534-07-4
Available at the Tiedekirja b
ookstore, 28 € (The set of vols I & II, 70 €)

Types for International Folktales I–III (2nd edition)
Hans-Jörg Uther
The catalogue of international tale types (ATU) based on the system of Aarne/Thompson constitutes a fundamentally new edition with extensive additions and innovations. The descriptions of the tale types have been completely rewritten and made more precise. The essential research cited for each type includes extensive documentation of its international distribution as well as monographic works or articles on that type. More than two hundred and fifty new types have been added. Types with very limited distribution have been omitted. A detailed subject index includes the most important subjects, actions, and other motifs, including actors and settings.
The whole series (I–III) is now available at our newly established Open Access platform!
Types for International Folktales I–III (2nd edition) at

The Meanings of Enchantment. Wondertale Symbolism Revisited
Francisco Vaz da Silva
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 326
Helsinki 2023
218 pages
ISBN 978-952-9534-05-0
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 28€
Exotic Dreams in the Science of the Volksgeist. Towards a Global History of European Folklore Studies
Diarmuid Ó Giolláin
The Kalevala Society
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 325
Helsinki 2022
420 pages
ISBN 978-952-9534-04-3
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 42€

Narrated Communities. Individual Life Stories and Collective Figures of Thought
Ulf Palmenfelt
The Kalevala Society
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 324
Helsinki 2022
ISBN 978-952-9534-03-6
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 32€

Folklore and Old Norse Mythology
ed. Frog & Joonas Ahola
The Kalevala Society
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 323
Helsinki 2021
ISBN 978-952-9534-02-9
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by a diversity of perspectives linking to different fields and national scholarships.