The Kalevala Society – for art and research
Since 1919, the Kalevala Society Foundation has published a Yearbook and granted awards. Today, we also give research and general grants, organise events, and seek new ways of interpreting the Kalevala and cultural heritage. The Kalevala Society Foundation coordinates the network and projects related to the European Heritage Label, which was awarded to the Kalevala epic in 2024.

Joustavat sukupuolet – muuntuvat merkitykset
The Kalevala Society's Yearbook 103. Eds. Niina Hämäläinen, Tarja Kupiainen, and Riikka Taavetti. Cover Image Taneli Kemppi 2024. Cover Design Markus Itkonen.
Flexible genders – changing meanings Gender is now understood as something versatile and changing. It is seen as part of identity and as a means of expressing oneself, but it is also a product of social and cultural structures. The Kalevala Society Foundation’s Yearbook 103 Joustavat sukupuolet – muuttuvat merkitykset (Flexible Genders – Changing Meanings) explores the cultural contradictions, processes of change and persistence of gender and sexuality. The authors of the articles use their research materials to critically assess why and in what ways old ideas about gender are maintained and new ones are constructed – on the other hand, the same materials open up perspectives on what makes it possible to act and be differently. The authors come from the fields of folklore research, ethnology, and comparative literature. The articles in this peer reviewed book are in Finnish.
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