The Kalevala Society – for art and research
Since 1919, the Kalevala Society Foundation has published a Yearbook and granted awards. Today, we also give research and general grants, organise events, and seek new ways of interpreting the Kalevala and cultural heritage. The Kalevala Society Foundation coordinates the network and projects related to the European Heritage Label, which was awarded to the Kalevala epic in 2024.
Yearbook 102
Kansallisesta ylirajaiseen. Kulttuuri, perinne ja kirjallisuus
The Kalevala Society's Yearbook 102. Eds. Niina Hämäläinen, Hanna Karhu, and Tuomas Martikainen. Will be published in October 2023. Cover Image Vesa Loikas 2013. Cover Design Markus Itkonen.
Kalevala aiheisia uutisia muualta
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Yli 20 vuotta odotettu...
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